I have had such a hard time getting motivated lately. I have been baking, just not from this book!! I have found the most wonderful oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe from a Mrs. Field's cookbook from 1994 that my mom gave me. I have made some other cookies, and a birthday cake for my son. The recipes in the book are now getting more complex, needing some ingredients that I am not entirely sure where to get or even what it is... what exactly is mace, and why is it in cinnamon rolls??
Some people are curious how much this is costing me. So far I have used 2- 25 lb bags of flour from Costco, which only cost about 10 bucks. I go through at least a dozen eggs a week, and about 3 lbs of butter (If I am making my 3-4 recipes). Those are the ingredients that I find I am using the most of. It is just so neat how you can take the same stuff over and over and just mix it in different quantities and different ways and you get completely different results!!
So I am trying to get back into the swing of things!! Next week I am hoping to make banana cream pie, apple oven pancake, and oat scones! YUM!!