Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lemon Squares

Day 162 Recipe 67
My absolute favorite thing about this recipe is that I was able to use lemons off my very own tree in my backyard!! I was so excited!!

This recipe took awhile. To make the lemon curd filling you had to sit, and continuously stir the mixture over a double-boiler for about 15-20 minutes. Then you bake them, then they have to refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Right at 3 hours the kids and I took them out and tasted them with a little bit of powdered sugar. My 5 year old had enough after just 2 bites. My 3 year old ate his and his brothers using mostly his finger!! I thought they were okay. I am not a huge lemon fan like some people (Libby :0). I mean, I like lemonade and that is about it. But I had another piece after dinner and this time I doused it in powdered sugar. And it was SO GOOD!! So good in fact... that I had another piece!! But shhh... don't tell!! :)

I am trying to take better pictures of my food. Can you tell the difference?? Do they look any better??

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